Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dancing Queen

I have no idea why she wanted to pose all disco :), but here's a view of M's version of the colorblock dress. I'm so pleased! It makes me kind of want one myself....

Sunday, April 25, 2010


We're a soccer family in my house. Which is generally fun. However, this spring, I'm coaching both girls in soccer and playing on a team myself. That kind of moves things beyond fun and into the realm of insanity. Last weekend we had 5 games between the three of us. Someone has some kind of soccer 4 days a week. It's a little nuts. Oh, and I'm also training for a sprint triathlon at the end of May. All of this is to say, I've been tired lately, and so there's not been so much crafting going on. Actually, I have been doing things, but I haven't been photographing them. I'm SO looking forward to the first weekend of May, when the girls are done. My season doesn't finish for a while, but it's fine if it's just me! But all the games were canceled this weekend due to rain, so I have a little catch up time!

So, here's a sampling of (some of) my recent craftiness...
I finally finished a skort for myself - I started it before Hawaii, but it required some reworking:
I like it, although the skort part rides up a bit. Considering I pretty much made it up, though, I'm certainly happy with it!

I also made the girls a colorblock dress similar to this Hanna Anderson dress. Mine are much simpler, though. A's was really too big (I should have used a different size on the bodice pattern), but she likes the length, so I just fixed the bodice yesterday. This picture is pre-fixing:
She looked SO sweet in the big mass of azaleas in our front yard... I also just finished a yellow/orange/red version for M today. I love it, but she hasn't had it on yet.

And then, I also made two sets of matching girl/dolly "puffy sleeve" dresses. The girls put theirs on yesterday, then promptly went out into the rain to play, so I have no pictures before they got soaking wet. I did set up a photo shoot with the dollies, though:
So, imagine similar knee-length child versions of these... :)

I have about a million other things planned to make. We'll see how the progress is, though - the triathlon training is taking up a lot of my usual sewing time when M's in school. And once that's done, they'll both be out of school for the summer, so I guess I'll just have to see how it goes. Annoying when life intervenes in the craftiness! ;)