Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bad Karma. Or something.

I don't know what I've done, but apparently I've angered the sewing gods somehow. Or maybe I'm just picking the wrong projects! The last few things I've tried to make really haven't been very successful. I haven't been doing a huge amount since I cleaned up my craft area, but the projects I've tried just haven't worked out.

I was working on the wrap top that I mentioned in my last post. I actually put it together without any major problems, but it was kind of funny looking. Partly I think the knit I used was too thick for the way they wrote the pattern, and partly I think I just don't like the pattern so much on my body. So, I tried to alter the pattern a bit. I put that one together, and it still looks funny. I think it can be rescued, but it needs some serious thought put into it. I just wasn't up for that last night (when I realized how much thought it needed), so I thought I'd do a quick skirt from my Stitch magazine.

Isn't it cute? Unfortunately, I must've measured wrong or something, because it's extremely (extremely, unattractively) tight. Argh! On the plus side, I think I have enough fabric to make it again, and I'm sure I'll do a better job with the pin tucks on a second attempt. (The horizontal ones are kinda crooked.) I just hope that my next big project (which I plan to wear to a wedding) is more successful!

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